
Eric Miller and Patrick Quinn

Limen explores the dimensions of liminality, or a passing through the threshold between distinct phases, afforded through the use of electromagnets. Binary signals are used to rapidly pulse the magnets on and off, resulting in an analog field. The presentation of various materials to this field produces a wide range of sonic output. Proximity to steel instruments yields acoustic excitation; proximity to dynamic microphones and radios yields audible interference patterns. Throughout Limen, a pre-composed sequence of pulses were presented through magnets, creating a dynamic, yet pre-determined electromagnetic field. Miller & Quinn were free to interact with this field in an improvisatory manner, adjusting parameters of input sources and modifying their proximity to the electromagnets. Several recordings of improvised sessions were then woven together, with the resulting piece existing in the liminal spaces between digital/analog synthesis, improvisation/composition, and real-time/offline production.