Tune(In))) CD (AD011)
Audio Dispatch 11 is a compilation of live performances from from Sybarite, Carlos Giffoni, Matt Valentine + Erika Elder, 100% Storms Ensemble, 31 Down, Skyline, Transmaniacon MC and Michelle Nagai during free103point9's Tune(In))). On March 1, 2003, over 60 performers played into six transmitters during free103point9's sixth anniversary benefit Tune(In))) at the New York Center for the Media Arts.
There was no sound in the space. Performers performed into transmitters. Attendees received a radio with headphones, to access the performances. They also received a "schedule" listing what performances were on which frequencies throughout the evening. Attendees then chose to listen to those frequencies, other commercial frequencies available, or the minimal ambient room noise.
1. 31 Down, "Tune(In))) Information"
1610-AM, looping information station
31 Down are Ryan Holsopple and Heidi McElligott, with music from Matt Bua.
2. Sybarite, "Secropia"
89.3-FM, 10:45 p.m.
3. 100% Storms Ensemble, "Radio Suite for 4 Clarinets, 4 Pianos, and Voice"
89.3-FM, 8 p.m.
Originally written as a piece for solo clarinet and harmonic pedal by Jennifer Morrison, "Radio Suite" is reimagined here as a pair of interchangeable quartets. Each member of the two subsets, comprised of discrete recorded performance, was independently controlled and shaped in real-time during the microcast.
4. Matt Valentine + Erika Elder, "Contemporary Mountain Hymns and Microtonal Sun Ragas"
89.3-FM, 9:25 p.m.
Selections of primal blues rumble directly from the heart of the veg-wheel known as Child of Microtones to the plasma wavelength of one true radio.
5. Skyline, "Noiseotica Queens Action" (excerpt)
99.9-FM, 10:40 p.m.
6. Transmaniacon MC, "Klipshow" (excerpt)
102.3-FM, 1:30 a.m.
7. Carlos Giffoni, "Untitled"
89.3-FM, midnight
Electronic improvisation, deconstruction and reconstruction of live radio and other sounds.
8. Michelle Nagai, "Soundwalking at Night through milkweed Au Grand Bois, Quebec/ Summer 2002"
88.7-FM, 12:10 a.m.
free103point9's Tune(In))) is curated by Tom Roe, Galen Joseph-Hunter, Matt Mikas, Kurt Gottschalk and Broklyn Beats.