Argent Discovery
Writes Miner, “Argent Discovery is composed with sampled shortwave recordings performed on an Akai S5000 with an Elektron Analog Keys used as a controller and providing additional tones, filtering and effects. Music made with radio sounds is always a snapshot of a particular time and moment. It has Cagean undertones tempered with new sonification methods. Some of my earliest audio experiments involved circuit bending an AM/FM transistor radio, the exposed circuit solder points were accessible when you removed the back panel to change the battery. Squelches and other hysterical wails could be easily produced, especially if you slightly wet your fingers as you short-circuited the audio manually by touch. Radio as a medium was available to me through a radio show on WFMU by John Schnall in the early 90's called the "Telephone Jam" where listeners could call in and play music collaboratively (or not). Later, I was given a nice digital rack delay by Paul Geluso and experimented with running shortwave radio sounds from a portable Grundig receiver while manipulating the delay time. During this early experimental period with radio I also used a Fisher Price "creative music maker" radio microphone to generate sounds recorded to cassette. After that period I used a combination of a Kaoss pad and Boomerang loop pedal to effect loops often with shortwave sounds. A favorite would be to slow down the loops to hear more overtones and introduce new ones through the resampling process and distortion. Recently, I was working with the op-1 keyboard, which allows you to sample directly from the FM radio with an antenna attachment. With all of the new options for control voltage manipulation of shortwave in modular I am planning to look into the RF Nomad as a wonderful composition/sound design tool.”