Radio Daze
O'Keeffe writes, "This work is a reflection on chance and text, particularly in Cage’s exploration of Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. The idea of turning elements of this book into a sound work seems ideal, a perfect blend of the Joycean prose of layering and cutting the story into alternate, parallel and mixed timelines. This undoing of causal narrative in the traditional sense makes reading Joyce an exercise in patience, one must read him over and over to finally grasp the obvious, that time does not move sequentially.
In Cage’s work "An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake” we hear this chaotic layering, perhaps as Joyce imagined we should. Equally Cage’s voice narrating us through this montage only adds his personality to this, it no more adds sense to the story than all of the sounds playing through and around each other in the background. This chaos of life captured in text and sound inspired me to think of narrative as non-linear.
My work Radio Daze explores how narrative and storytelling sit on and over and through time, it is built up of layers. It is me telling the story of me in a daze experiencing a moment in time which cannot be captured sequentially."