Antje Vowinckel
Antje Vowinckel is a Berlin-based sound and radio artist. She studied literature and music (flute/piano). She has been commissioned to do radio plays and shows for a variety of public radio stations such as (WDR, SWR, BR) as well as for foreign stations and festivals (ZKM Karlsruhe, TESLA Berlin, Biennale Bonn, Prix Italia, Festival for Contemporary Music Alicante/Spain, Hammer Museum Los Angeles, British Council, Berlin, Humboldt-Lab). Her works have been broadcasted and presented in Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Czechia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Portugal, Poland, Australia. In recent years, she has created also live performances (organ and objects), installations and video compositions. Her focus is on the musicality of the spoken word, for example in compositions with dialect melodies or in pieces based on automatic speaking.