Colin Black writes, "Unlike some of my previous works, I think of “Residue" as a musical work inspired by what Luc Ferrari has termed “anecdotal music,” where I use a source/context-driven handling of recorded sounds as an element of the overall musical composition. I think of these concrete sounds (that are carefully selected for this musical composition), just like one would choose musical notes for a traditional score that creates deftly constructed cadences, counterpoint, motivic and rhythmic development, textures and colours … after all, music is sound and all sound is music (Cage, Shafer et al.).
Thematically the work explores loneliness, loss and sadness (with a hint of hope and strength at the end) under the overarching idea of residue. While its narrative structure (or form) loosely follows that of the hero’s journey, where its call for adventure is initiated by some unwelcome traumatic event. In a post structuralist sense, the work doesn’t tell one story, it alludes to many stories and affords the listener a level of agency where they are invited to bring their stories and past experiences with them along this musical and sonic enriched journey.
As a companion to this work I have initiated a Facebook group called Trauma-Informed Expression : A Space to Share and Heal as a source of inspiration for this project. Moreover this group is also a focus point to connect with the wider community with the aim of offering the community a site of healing through these traumatic times.