Remote Audio Outpost / Boomerang

Japanther (2012) / Ian Vanek (2022)
Remote Audio Outpost / Boomerang

Remote Audio Outpost / Boomerang. Japanther (2012) / Ian Vanek (2022)

Boomerang Website Image

Boomerang Website Image. (Mar 25, 2021)

Boomerang in-progress

Boomerang in-progress. A project by Jen Kutler and Ian Vanek. (Nov 15, 2019)

Listen to a 2016 mix created by Ian Vanek for a Radio National Australia Spotlight on Wave Farm:

From 2012 - 2021, Remote Audio Outpost was a solar-powered recording booth installed in one of the most remote corners of the Wave Farm property and outfitted with a rotary phone for both recording and transmission. Today, Remote Audio Outpost serves as a listening space, amplifying recordings made during the project’s first decade as well as new messages left at the Boomerang phone booth. Installed at the entrance/exit of the Study Center, the Boomerang booth records personal ephemera, confessions, and salutations from visitors as they depart Wave Farm.