In a soundscape


Write Orbis, "What we can say about this impro, is that we worked around the Cage's music score (in a landscape), we applied -in the free way- the general concepts of hazard/accident/chance, and at last, we brought together some Cage's key words : structure (empty), quotes, time (and rhythms), sound (and noise), silence, other arts (shadows, ambient sounds), asymmetry of probabilities, technical imperfections, error."

Improvised, recorded & mixed (with no overdubbing) on the night of Feburary 23th, 2012 at Didier's flat, Lyon, France. Mastered by DMC at "Chuck a Luck" (moving studio) on Feburary 24th, 2012. Didier Klein : prepared piano, radio, objects. DMC : Gyrathomics radio, flash bulb, EQ, Echos, foot sampler.