Quiver 1

Noé Cuéllar

Quiver 1 is a sequence of two compositions: Panthalassa and Harrow/Dormant.

Panthalassa is a conceptual composition for solo voice that transects original vibrations of present, past, and future notions of transmission. The text-based score draws imaginary and concrete references, that can be interpreted by the performers’ premeditated imagination, immediate intuition, and underlying knowledge. These references are to be used as receptacles for autonomous, formulaic, oracular, and/or abstract prompts for vocal explorations. Panthalassa is composed for and executed by vocalist Kristin Hayter.

The second in the sequence, the graphic score Harrow/Dormant (2010), is performed by Jeff Gburek on guitar and electronics and Karolina Ossowska on violin, both sound artists and musicians currently based in Poznań, Poland. -Reprinted from Radius