LIGNA exists since 1995. The Group consists of the media theorists and radio artists Ole Frahm, Michael Hueners and Torsten Michaelsen, who since the early nineties work at the “Freies Sender Kombinat“ (FSK), a public non-profit radio station in Hamburg. Bi-weekly they provide a program called LIGNAs Music Box, which asks the listeners to call in and play their favorite songs via the telephone. In numerous shows, interventions and performances LIGNA has explored the effects of the dispersed radio voice and of radio as a means of dispersion in general. The work of LIGNA often refers to remote possibilities of radio use in order to develop new formats of radio practices. Focussing on the reception side of radio, LIGNA is looking for ways to turn the situation of reception into a performative intervention into places. Listening to the radio then becomes a collective production, which bears uncontrollable results.
One of LIGNAS models of media usage, the Radioballet (invented in 2002), provides radio listeners with a choreography of excluded and forbidden gestures in formerly public, now controlled spaces. They provided performances beyond others in Vienna, Barcelona, Liverpool, Dublin and recently Lissabon. Other works are the Radio concert for 144 mobile phones, which engages the radio listeners in a process of collective composition, or The Future of Radio Art, a monologue, that is distributed over a pedestrian zone by means of hidden radios. LIGNA lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.