Christine Webster
///composer///sound designer///researcher
living in Paris, France
///Researcher, Phd at CICM Paris 8 – Exploration of new Electroacoustic composition and spatialisation techniques in immersive 3D VR simulation.
///Music composer and producer in the experimental and electro-acoustic sound fields. Modular synthesist and performer. Experimental electroacoustic composition in 3D interactive virtual environments.
///Co-founder and organizer at Polyphones – French experimental women composer network.
///Senior sound designer for game, movies, tv and 3D media.
///Former Researcher at ENSAD Paris ENSAD-LAB Spatial Media (Espaces numériques partagés).
///Former Sound Design teacher for ISART DIGITAL – La Poudrière – Satis University – EICAR.
///Former Writer for KR-HomeStudio and MCD-DIGITALARTI.