Rick Silva
Rick Silva's art has shown in exhibitions and festivals worldwide, including Transmediale (Germany), Futuresonic (U.K.), and Sonar (Spain). His art and research has been supported through grants and commissions from places such as Turbulence, Rhizome, and The Whitney Museum of American Art. Rick has performed live multimedia works in London at E:VENT Gallery, Tokyo at The Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, and throughout North America including the Software Cinema Festival in Houston Texas. Media outlets such as The New York Times, The Guardian UK, Liberation, El Pais, and The CBS Evening News have all recognized his art. Most recently, the author of the book Transmission Arts: Artists and Airwaves regarded him as "a recognized pioneer in New Media Art" (PAJ Publications: 2011).
He was previously a visiting professor at the University of Georgia-Athens, and is now a professor at the Alberta College of Art and Design.
Rick was born in Brazil and lives in Calgary, Canada.