
Soundcamp (2013–) is an arts cooperative based at Stave Hill Ecological Park in Rotherhithe and Work Shop 1 in Loughborough Junction, as well as in Glasgow, Berlin, Crete, The Hague. As part of the Acoustic Commons network, they coordinate the long-form radio broadcast Reveil (2014–), and a series of sound and ecology events (soundcamps) on Dawn Chorus day each year.

Recent projects include: Work Shop #1 – a space at LJ:Works, Loughborough Junction (2023–); Radio With Palestine, a series of live broadcasts from demonstrations; Spree ~ Channelsea Radio Group, connecting rivers in London and Berlin (2023); l a g – a residency for Sonic Acts’ Inner ear(th) programme (2022); and As if radio.. (AIR): An experiment in ecological activist radio at COP26 Glasgow (2021).