Vocal Systems
Produced by Dave Evans
Suddering Words
Hosted by Ric Royer and G. Lucas Crane with specia...
Reading is Funktamental
Hosted by Sal Cataldi.
Nuestra Música
Hosted by Mariano Vera.
Hosted by Yeshi.
Produced by Philippe Petit for his Modulisme platf...
Modern Jetset
Hosted by Iris Berkeley
Long Pause
Hosted by Annie Reynolds.
Leprous Garden
Hosted by Mantas.
Errant Space
Produced by Craig Chin.
Azouke Legba with Gilad Melchior Perform at A Day of Percussion at the Marimba Tree: Jul 22, 2023
Bobby Previte Performs at A Day of Percussion at the Marimba Tree: Jul 22, 2023
Chris Corsano Performs at A Day of Percussion at the Marimba Tree: Jul 22, 2023
Lisa Schonberg with Leah Bowden and Melanie Medina Perform at A Day of Percussion at the Marimba Tree: Jul 22, 2023
The Future is Sited in a Barren Wasteland: Down for the Ride (Take Me Anywhere): Nov 29, 2022
Usually at this time of year (and it’s wild that w...
The Bedazzled Radio Hour: 20220727: Jul 27, 2022
After the noon local news, The Bedazzled Radio Hou...
WGXC Morning Show: Osun Zotique: Jun 30, 2022
Former congressional candidate Osun Zotique, from...
The Forgotten Geek: 20220510: May 10, 2022
A fun- and fact-filled hour featuring McCasland's...
Situation Fluxus: Colin Walters, Nick Zavaglia, Eugenie Jones: Mar 31, 2022
In this broadcast, a conversation with saxophonist...
Leprous Garden: 20220312: Mar 12, 2022
A historical and thematic study of death metal in...
20250922: Sep 22, 2025: 10am - 11am
This radio show is a quarterly reflection of the g...
20250621: Jun 21, 2025: 4pm - 5pm
20250518: May 18, 2025: 10pm - 11:59 pm
That Driving Beat showcases rare and obscure soul,...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 10pm - 11:59 pm
Cassettes are played on this show, tapes only....
20250517: May 17, 2025: 9pm - 10pm
Music from around the world is featured. Bringing...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 8pm - 9pm
Host DJK drives listeners through the world of Afr...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 7pm - 8pm
Curated by Afroditi Psarra, "Transmission Ecologie...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 6pm - 7pm
"Framework" is consecrated to field-recording and...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 4pm - 6pm
Live vinyl and cassette blends to melt the exoske...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 3pm - 4pm
Welcome to "The Radio Art Hour," a show where art...
Karaoke Contest with Amanda to Benefit Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM: May 10, 2024: 7pm- 11pm
The Half Moon
WGXC 90.7-FM Winter 2024 Pledge Drive: Feb 20, 2024 - Feb 29, 2024
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
WGXC 90.7-FM Fall 2023 Local Music Pledge Drive: Oct 04, 2023 - Oct 13, 2023
WGXC 90.7-FM Summer 2023 Online Pledge Drive: Jul 10, 2023 - Jul 21, 2023
Tower Power! WGXC 90.7-FM Fall 2022 Pledge Drive: Oct 12, 2022 - Oct 28, 2022
WGXC 90.7-FM Summer 2022 Online Pledge Drive: Jul 14, 2022 - Jul 24, 2022
Nature Films, Will Lawrence, Rachele Eve: Oct 05, 2019: 8:30 pm- 11pm
The Avalon Lounge
Programming Environments : May 25, 2019: 12pm- 4pm
Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellowship Opportunity: May 01, 2019 - May 31, 2019
Wave Farm + WGXC Acra Studio
24-Hour Drone 2019: Apr 27, 2019 - Apr 28, 2019
Basilica Hudson
WGXC local news audio link
DOWNLOAD or play the audio version of the local he...
This radio show is a quarterly reflection of the global network of artists and thinkers gathered through the New School of the Anthropocene’s hybrid learning environment, a seasonal almanac-like monta...
That Driving Beat showcases rare and obscure soul, R&B, northern soul, popcorn, garage rock, British beat, and other Mod dance 45 rpm singles from the late 1950s to the early 1970s. The hosts play rec...
Cassettes are played on this show, tapes only. Send cassettes to Tabs Out: 905 North Jackson Street, Wilmington, DE 19806 USA. Email: contact@tabsout.com tabsout.com.
Music from around the world is featured. Bringing the audience into the realm of other cultures through music, hopefully expanding empathy for the “other,” and recognizing that “other” in ourselves. F...
Host DJK drives listeners through the world of African-influenced music – from night clubs in Dakar to festivals in Bahia, from recording studios in Havana to family compounds on the streets of Lagos....
Curated by Afroditi Psarra, "Transmission Ecologies" explores the turbulent world of radio signals which propagate around us. Each show features a guest sound artist who broadcasts their radio experim...
"Framework" is consecrated to field-recording and the use of field recordings in composition, and started when a new community of sound artists with a special interest in found sound was developing, a...
Live vinyl and cassette blends to melt the exoskeleton and tap the wellspring of the infinite I AM presence. Deep dives into beats / raps / funks / souls / jazzes / psychedelica / synth moves / new a...
Welcome to "The Radio Art Hour," a show where art is not just on the radio, but is the radio. "The Radio Art Hour" draws from the Wave Farm Broadcast Radio Art Archive, an online resource that aims to...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 1pm - 3pm
Mike Edwards is your host. A grizzled old punker with a penchant for exploratory rock of all types. Oh, and the regrettable habit of talking about it length. inmyroomradio.weebly.com
20250517: May 17, 2025: 12pm - 1pm
Tune in for a selection of local music and new releases from the WGXC Music Committee. Current members include Al C., Nick D., Jeff Economy, Mayuko Fujino, and Evan McCormick.
20250517: May 17, 2025: 11am - 11:59 am
"Radius Library" is a monthly broadcast that draws from the ongoing stream of archived Radius programming available as a partner stream at wavefarm.org/listen. Radius is an experimental broadcast p...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 10:30 am - 11am
Live from Brooklyn, New York, "Radio Wonderland" (aka composer-performer Joshua Fried) turns the very bits and bytes of commercial culture into the driving backbeat to our dance of independence. "Radi...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 10am - 10:30 am
A conversation about gardening issues seasonally, including interviews with Master Gardener Volunteers and experts in many fields related to gardening. Features include discussions with 4-H leaders an...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 8am - 9am
The "Radio Survivor" weekly show explores the future of community media with a focus on community radio, college radio, low-power FM, and public access TV, along with subscribable audio shows and inte...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 7am - 8am
The weekly "Radio Radio" show comprises the Amateur Radio Newsline, ARRL Audio Newsline, and Glenn Hauser's World of Radio. Tune in for a weekly digest of all things amateur and shortwave radio.
20250517: May 17, 2025: 6am - 7am
Hosted from Brooklyn for WBAI (airs live Wednesdays at 7 p.m., simulcast on WGXC; rebroadcast Saturday mornings at 6 a.m.) from the team from Hacker Quarterly 2600. To call in during "Off The Hook" an...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 5am - 6am
20250517: May 17, 2025: 3am - 5am
"Upon the Cypress Bough" is a showcase for music from an area fuzzily contained by Western Asia, North Africa, and Central Asia. Selections heard on the show come from traditional, religious, pop, art...
20250517: May 17, 2025: 12am - 3am
Tune in for radio art, radio theatre, experiments, live shows, and more.
20250516: May 16, 2025: 10pm - 11:59 pm
Join Sean “Golden Child” Mangan for a 2-hour ride – deep into the crates – as he takes you on a journey through sound: from underground hip-hop to youth gospel choirs, bebop to bossa nova, Japanese ja...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 8pm - 11:59 pm
Produced by Mike Amari of Chosen Family, "Local Waves" celebrates the talented and multifaceted artists living in our local area. Tune in on Friday nights from 8 p.m. to midnight for music and sounds...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 7pm - 7:30 pm
"Bound By Books" is hosted by tweens and teens, Fatheah Jannat and Jada Pernetti, and Emily Chameides from the Hudson Area Library. The Bound By Books crew discusses books they love, books they're cur...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 6pm - 7pm
Music is medicine. Expression is healing. Connection is recovery. Through Censored, The Word Shop, and Our Town Our Truth, we dig into the topics that matter. Our container: Radiolab, an open, experim...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 5pm - 6pm
Tune into the “WGXC Afternoon Show” for local news, interviews with community leaders and personalities, reports on cultural issues, a rundown of public meetings and local and regional events, weather...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 4pm - 4:30 pm
Hosted by Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood youths, "The Promise Cool Kidz" is a half hour of talk, rap battles, songs, and more broadcasting live from GHPN!
20250516: May 16, 2025: 12pm - 2pm
After the news at noon, "The Sugar Shack Jukebox" brings decades of funk, R&B, rock, pop, psych, soul, reggae, hip hop, worldwide jams, and more; studio and live cuts, instrumentals, rarities, and alb...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 9am - 10am
The Hudson Mohawk Magazine (HMM) is Sanctuary Radio’s flagship program and is a locally-produced news hour featuring stories curated by WOOC's dedicated volunteers. It airs weekdays from 6PM – 7PM and...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 8am - 9am
"Democracy Now!" is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program providing audiences with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media. "Democracy...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 7am - 8am
Flashpoint is an award-winning daily investigative news magazine hosted by veteran journalist Dennis Bernstein. Through original reports, Flashpoint goes to the core of stories in the areas of govern...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 6am - 7am
A radio program featuring international and national news, expert guests, policy makers, and critics with analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, a...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 5am - 6am
Excerpts from the best new experimental music in the world. "Vital Weekly" is an e-mail magazine, which appears 48 times a year and has the latest CD reviews and news on concerts and festivals. To sub...
20250516: May 16, 2025: 3am - 5am
20250516: May 16, 2025: 12am - 3am
20250515: May 15, 2025: 10pm - 11:59 pm
"The Magic Stranger Show" spins out of control live on Thursday nights from somewhere in Columbia County and features recorded music of all genres in multiple diameters and speeds that add up to 78 =...
20250515: May 15, 2025: 7pm - 9pm
With its ever-expanding underground following beginning in 2015, "Mishmash" is an experimental, free-form radio show created by Michelle Kaplan that hosts a wide range of eclectic music, unheard-of an...
20250515: May 15, 2025: 6pm - 7pm
20250515: May 15, 2025: 4pm - 6pm
Selha G and Tommy D host lively conversation with community members, business owners, civic leaders, and more. Broadcasting live from either The Spark of Hudson, the Hudson Thursday Market, or other l...
20250515: May 15, 2025: 3:30 pm - 4pm
Each week one member of the Radia Network produces a show for all the others. The Radia Network emerged from a series of meetings, clandestine events, late-night club discussions, and a lot of email e...
Eric Kosarot on unknown sounds: May 15, 2025: 3pm - 3:30 pm
"unknown sounds" is intended as a radio archive of experimental artists’ interior worlds, these that are externalized through their work, and the interchange through artist communities. This is an con...
20250515: May 15, 2025: 2pm - 3pm
Host Paul Fischer used to work for Dan Rather (hence the title of the show), and now remixes the news each week set to the sounds of new music.
20250515: May 15, 2025: 12pm - 2pm
Hold on to yer hats! It's the "Honky Tonk Hot Dog Radio Show"! A show featuring music from some of the Hudson Valley/Catskill region's finest bands you can shuffle yer boots to! The show features coun...
20250515: May 15, 2025: 11am - 11:59 am
What started as a photography series then video series, "Uncontaminated Sound" is a conversation series for radio that follows comedians, musicians, fine artists, and actors with the primary objective...
20250515: May 15, 2025: 10am - 11am
20250515: May 15, 2025: 9am - 10am
20250515: May 15, 2025: 8am - 9am
20250515: May 15, 2025: 7am - 8am
20250515: May 15, 2025: 6am - 7am