About Wave Farm
Giant Ear)))_San Francisco Bay Area Soundscapes real and imagined with BASE
Feb 22, 2009: 7pm- 9pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
We will play field recordings and pieces composed and from, San Francisco, with a minimum of talking and other "packaging." Recordings from Chris Watson, Jim McKee, Andrew Roth, Robert Beahrs, Joseph Lawrence, James Goode, Aaron Ximm, and Jeremiah Moore, among others. A guest program produced by Jeremiah Moore and Aaron Ximm from Bay Area Sound Ecology will be included.
Bay Area Sound Ecology (BASE) is an interdisciplinary forum centered around listening and the soundscape. We create projects and events to promote sound-environment awareness, making and encouraging opportunities for ear-opening sonic encounters, such as this radio program and our BASEbot listening salon series. Visit us on the web, and subscribe to our podcast, at http://www.basoundecology.org/