About Wave Farm
Dream Festival: A Lucid Tea Party
Oct 21, 2007: 5pm- 11:59 pm
82 Prince Street
(off Broadway near the Muddy Cup & Planet Wings) | Kingston, NY
A Dream Festival 2007 event, A Lucid Tea Party is a sonic wonderland event hosted by composer Zevin Polzin with a garnish of Dream Action Theater happenings. Streamed live online on www.free103point9.org
The Dream Festival is a celebration of dreams and dreamers curated by Kingston based author and dream facilitator Ione. Ione, who is artistic director of Deep Listening Institute, describes the festival as a community event that includes artwork and performances by world-class artists, everyday dreamers, and inspired beings throughout Kingston, the Hudson Valley, Capitol Region and beyond. Dream Box exhibits at local Dream Depots for dreamers to deposit their dreams to share with the community, an overnight concert, outdoor performances, kids dream mask workshop, a marathon of dreamers (day long mini presentations by the community), a procession of masks and giant puppets to West Strand Park, spontaneous dream theater in the streets, are but a sampling of the goings on. The Festival has an international presence via Ione's Dream Sack on the internet, http://www.deeplistening.org, a site which constantly receives dreams from participants throughout the world.