About Wave Farm
'Pirates Week' resumes weekly voyages through unauthorized airwaves
Jan 07, 2013 1:46 am
"Pirates Week," Ragnar Daneskjold's weekly-then-monthly chronicle of shortwave and FM radio activity is back to a weekly format. "I’m determined to bring it back as the weekly show it needs to be," he says on the latest episode of the show. "Only this time I’m going to produce it the way I originally envisioned it. A little more loose, not as polished and the length will be variable depending on the amount of material each week." Daneskjold started the show in 2005, but took it off the air because of tendinitis and carpal tunnel in 2011, and then resumed as a monthly show. free103point9 Online Radio and WGXC 90.7-FM currently air "Pirates Week" on the second Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. A timeslot for the new weekly version of the show will be announced soon.