Yasunao Tone: Dec 19, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 am
Yasunao Tone (New York) live webcast on Wave Farm...
Lucie Vítková: Dec 18, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Lucie Vítková (Czech Republic/New York) live webca...
Michael Schumacher: Dec 17, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Michael Schumacher (New York) Sunday 17. The Porta...
David Lee Myers: Dec 15, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
David Lee Myers (New York) Friday 15. CD release p...
Bernd Klug: Dec 14, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Bernd Klug (New York) Thursday 14. ‘sides- systems...
Paula Matthusen and Seth Cluett: Dec 13, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Paula Matthusen and Seth Cluett (Conn, New Yor...
Tibor Szemzo, László Goz: Dec 11, 2017: 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Tibor Szemzo and László Goz (Budapest). Counter/...
Phill Niblock: Dec 21, 2007: 6pm - 11:59 pm
So what's new?- well, some things, but with six ho...
Jens Brand: Dec 19, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
An evening composed of three pieces that have noth...
Bernhard Gal: Dec 18, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
A solo laptop performance, mainly based on works f...
Phill Niblock: Dec 21, 2007: 6pm- 11:59 pm
Experimental Intermedia
Jens Brand: Dec 19, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Bernhard Gal: Dec 18, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Travis Just: Dec 17, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Marcus Schmickler: Dec 16, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Madelon Hooykaas: Dec 14, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Audrey Chen: Dec 11, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Els van Riel and Chiyoko Szlavnics: Dec 10, 2007: 9pm- 11:59 pm
Still and Moving: Mar 08, 2006: 9pm- 9pm
Yasunao Tone (New York) live webcast on Wave Farm Radio. He has collaborated with Prof. Tony Myatt, University of Surrey UK, and a team of researchers including Dr. Paul Modler, with the support of th...
Lucie Vítková (Czech Republic/New York) live webcast. MUSIC DOMESTIC is an album, released on the New York label Bánh Mì Verlag in March 2017; it is a series of performances focused on domestic space;...
Michael Schumacher (New York) Sunday 17. The Portable Multi-Channel Sound System is a musical instrument designed specifically for Michael J. Schumacher’s spatialized compositions; building on the pio...
David Lee Myers (New York) Friday 15. CD release party and performance by Myers, who sometimes works under the name Arcane Device; the album “Ether Music” is produced by the new music champion Starkla...
Bernd Klug (New York) Thursday 14. ‘sides- systems under test’ is a live sound work based on ongoing research about the physical impact of societies as acoustic properties; it traces the question of w...
Paula Matthusen and Seth Cluett (Conn, New York) Wednesday 13 For their first performance together, Paula Matthusen and Seth Cluett will fill a table with tra...
Tibor Szemzo and László Goz (Budapest). Counter/culture Closure Night: Part One - Experimental Intermedia and Balassi Institute - Hungarian Cultural Center, New York is co-presenting the first Closu...
So what's new?- well, some things, but with six hours of music and film/video, who can tell?; 6pm until 12am of the longest night of the year.
An evening composed of three pieces that have nothing in common ... 1: "music" and music video, based on what Madonna (Madonna Louise Ciccone) thinks it is (or a respirator sounds like); 2: A vinyl ba...
A solo laptop performance, mainly based on works from recent CD publications which he takes apart and reassembles in a quasi-improvised, live context.
Travis Just: Dec 17, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
The New York-based composer presents recent work for instruments, signal processing, playback devices, speech and gesture; he is performing with his ensemble Object Collection.
Marcus Schmickler: Dec 16, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
Marcus Schmickler (Cologne, Germany) His latest algorithmic composition, applying different microtonal scales onto various models of granular synthesis and chaotic functions.
Madelon Hooykaas: Dec 14, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
Hooykaas/Stansfield have been creating audio/video installations for over 30 years; since the death of Elsa Stansfield in 2004, Madelon has continued to develop their range of ideas; she will show a n...
Audrey Chen: Dec 11, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
Voice/cello/analog electronics - presenting a series of solo improvisations with emphasis on the voice, hearkening back to song, noise and melody; combustible, acrid, sweet, pitted full and potentiall...
Els van Riel and Chiyoko Szlavnics: Dec 10, 2007: 9pm - 11:59 pm
"neural activity" - Van Riel (live video) and Szlavnics (sound) work with minute details of perception through a simultaneity of microscopic views through the lens (projected light) and soundwaves (be...