Court decisions, after lottery, may decide net neutrality

Apr 16, 2015 4:17 pm
The news that "net neutrality" passed the FCC -- that there would be no fast lane on the internet for corportations who have more resources then the average consumer -- was surprising, in that corporate interests didn't get their way. So on April 15, when the FCC actually published the rules in the Federal Register, all heck broke loose. In Congress, Doug Collins, a Georgia Republican, sponsored a resolution of disapproval, an expedited legislative process that cannot be amended or filibustered. President Barack Obama would likely veto the resolution if it passes, so this is another one of those side shows for the folks back home that, historically, will be considered normal for this legislative era. In 2010 Congress passed net neutrality legislation, Republicans sponsored a resolution of disapproval that went nowhere, and the courts eventually struck down the law. So that is where things stand now too, as everyone waits for the court rulings. Todd R. Weiss in eWeek reports there are now at least six or seven lawsuits against the FCC from AT&T, the CTIA mobile trade association, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA), the American Cable Association, USTelecom, and Alamo Broadband. And, The Washington Post reports, a small, Texas-based Internet provider has appealed in New Orleans, which means a venue lottery will be held. Trade associations believed the D.C. Circuit was home turf, the court that has twiced ruled against different versions of net neutrality, where they wanted this case to take place. Now a lottery will decide the fate of consumer access and cost of internet services. Free Press has launched a campaign against the Congressional action, but there's not much else to do but what for the lottery, and then court decision.