SXSW includes much media, radio audio

Mar 19, 2012 2:34 pm
The South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas hosted discussions about film, music, and, our concern here, media and radio. They have a long list of audio files of the different panel discussions, speeches, and events, including these media-centric files:

•"Public Radio is Media's Future": "Public Radio has leveraged its favorable licensing agreements, its hyperlocal outposts (sorry, "stations") and international muscle, to dominate the iTunes charts, develop smart APIs, and build audience, all on user-funded platforms. Jake Shapiro, the CEO of Cambridge-based Public Radio Exchange, is one of the people you need to listen to about this stuff." CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

• "Public Media & Digital Music Innovation": Public broadcasters have long played a vital role in media, providing citizens with independent information through universal entertainment. Publicly-funded organizations like CBC and NPR have championed new music, supporting artists that struggle to find audiences on commercial outlets and helping provide a test-bed for innovation. Free from the constraints of commerce, they have strayed into areas where private enterprise might otherwise thrive. Does this inhibit the economies of places where public broadcasters operate? Speakers: Ben Perreau, Jonas Woost

• "SOPA Media Coverage Dissected": How did print and online coverage of SOPA impact the public's understanding of this proposed legislation? What outlets were most aggressive in tacking this story? If the blackout had not occurred, would this story have gained the attention it eventually did? Also, how will proposed legislation such as SOPA impact the media -- and how does this potential impact color various media outlet's coverage? Speakers: Brian Stelter, Jake Bialer, Kim Hart, Stacey Higginbotham

Click here to sample many more workshops and speeches from SXSW. Carly Carioli rounds up other panels for journalists here.