Oral history workshop in New York this summer

Mar 20, 2012 9:11 am
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="275" caption="Suzanne Snider, seated at left, gave this oral history workshop for WGXC in New York."][/caption]Writer and oral historian Suzanne Snider hosts an Oral History Intensive in Hudson, New York this July, 2012. Snider, who has worked as an interviewer for Columbia University’s Center for Oral History, the New York Academy of Medicine, HBO Productions, the Newtown Creek Community Health and Harms Narrative Project, the Prison Public Memory Project, and other projects. This immersive summer workshop (July 13-22) will be a rigorous introduction to the field of Oral History, with guests including Sarah Kramer (The New York Times) and Sady Sullivan (Brooklyn Historical Society). Contact Snider with any questions at heysuzannesnider@gmail.com

Suzanne Snider is a writer and oral historian. She has worked as an interviewer for Columbia University’s Center for Oral History, the New York Academy of Medicine, HBO Productions, the Newtown Creek Community Health and Harms Narrative Project, the Prison Public Memory Project, among others. Her oral history projects have touched upon subjects including public health, disappearing labor forces, rehabilitative medicine, and feminist presses. She serves on the Judd Foundation’s Oral History Advisory Board and is a member of the Stetson Kennedy Vox Populi Award Committee. Her work, published in The Washington Post, The Guardian, Legal Affairs, The Believer, and several artist books, has been supported through fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, the Sloan Foundation, the UCross Foundation Center, and the Radcliffe Institute. She received a 2011 commission from Triple Canopy for New Media Reporting. She teaches at the New School University and is currently completing a book about rival communes in Middle America.