U.S. government agencies will track radio-controlled drones

Oct 19, 2015 10:14 pm
The Associated Press reported Oct. 19 that the U.S. government will require registration of some publicly available radio-controlled drone aircraft. After a number of close calls and problems with drones and airports, forest fires, and sensitive government sites, government action was expected. Airport sightings of drones went from a handful last year, to hundreds in 2015, according to the Federal Aiviation Authority. Transportation secretary Anthony Foxx said, “Finding the drone has not been as much of a problem as finding the person who was using the drone.” The FAA and the Transportation Department will create a 25- to 30-member taskforce to set the parameters of the tracking system, with toys and small drones likely exempt. The Consumer Electronics Association has forecast that 700,000 drones will be sold this holiday season, the Associated Press reported.