Distribution Regrant Seminar at Conflux 2010

Oct 09, 2010: 2pm- 11:59 pm
Conflux 2010

NYU's Barney Building | New York, NY 10003



Conflux Logo

Conflux Logo. (Oct 09, 2010)

Join free103point9's Executive Director Galen Joseph-Hunter for an application seminar for the next cycle of Distribution Grants to New York State Artists.The deadline for online proposal submission is October 31. The 2011 Distribution Grant for New York State Artists provides support for the distribution of new works in film, video, sound, new-media, and media-installation. Funding is available from free103point9 through a regrant from New York State Council on the Arts' Electronic Media and Film Program. Grant awards will assist artists in making works available to public audiences and may include, but are not limited to: moving image and sound works; duplication of preview, screening and exhibition copies; promotional materials including documentation and schematics of media-installation and new-media works. The rental or purchase of equipment essential for exhibition/distribution by individual artists is also eligible. Artists may request funding support up to a maximum amount of $10,000.

Successful grantees will also be awarded the opportunity to work with a project mentor who will offer guidance as grantees execute their distribution and exhibition plans. This mentor will have expertise in the grantees' specific genre of media art.

This seminar is being presented as part this year's Conflux festival based on themes of INVESTIGATION, ACTION and TRANSMISSION. (http://confluxfestival.org/)