Podcasting workshop with the viBeSongMakers

Oct 22, 2007: 4pm- 7pm
free103point9 Project Space (2007-2008)

338 Berry St | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 646-367-0840

Online Radio Logo

Online Radio Logo.

As part of the free103point9 Radio Lab series, the viBeSongMakers will learn how to record and publish a podcasting featuring...themselves! This workshop, led by Allie Alvarado, will be streamed live at www.free103point9.org. "viBeSongMakers is a specialized program that provides the tools for viBe Theater Alumnae to write, record and perform original songs. Through progressive, hands-on music education and pre-professional mentorship, participants develop their creative voices through music, learn basic music theory and appreciation, and build confidence through collaboration and performance. Under the guidance of skilled teaching artists, a small group of girls study different genres and styles of music, explore rhythm and poetry and learn to write original songs. The girls then record the songs professionally in a studio, culminating in a full-length CD of their original material and perform their music at various venues and festivals. The girls also work with graphic artists in development of the packaging as well as participate in the marketing for their CD, which helps them build a sense of independence and entrepreneurship."