About Wave Farm
Radio Lab: transmission art
Sep 20, 2007: 5pm- 6pm
110 8th St. | Troy, NY | 518-276-4829
Wave Farm + WGXC Acra Studio
5662 Route 23 | Acra, NY 12405 | 518-622-2598
Tom Roe, Tianna Kennedy, and Galen Joseph Hunter host a transmission art workshop live on free103point9 Online Radio. Watch video and audio from Wave Farm as they discusses this history of transmission as a creative expression , and explain how free103point9 projects such as Tune (In))) or Radio 4x4 employ the frequencies. A Q&A with Graduate Art Students at RPI follows the presentation.
This show is part of free103point9's Tenth Anniversary Celebration March-Oct., 2007.