Radius Sketchpad Series: Michael Woody (Audio)
Apr 23, 2011
Produced by Jeff Kolar.
The Sketchpad Series is a monthly presentation of audio material that relates to content from previous episodes of Radius. The series highlights peripheral work that influences research and production. Radius premiered on free103point9's WGXC 90.7-FM April 23, 2011 with Michael Woody's Numbers Stations 1 and 2, a set of files constructed to function like numbers stations. The codes have been substituted for brief messages telling what you should do and what you shouldn’t do if attacked by a bear. The work is a reflection on secrecy, control and power. This is part of the Transmission Arts programming on WGXC, experimental radio art from internationally renown artists. Following Numbers Stations 1 and 2, is a playlist curated by Jeff Kolar of Radius. Included are recordings from The Conet Project, detritus from a Led Zeppelin radio session, and the mysterious "Yosemite Sam" shortwave transmission.