OPEN CALL: Remix Radio Anacapri

Jan 06, 2007 6:56 pm
In July 2006, AAIR, the independent radio station of the Architectural Association School of Architecture, listened to Capri. Invited by Diego Cortez (, nine AA students recorded natural and man-made sounds to create an extensive sonic map of the island. Capri holds our curiousity. An enormous, jagged slab of limestone in the sea, the intangible setting for iconic gestures of artists and lovers, and a home to people living their local lives, Capri is a fantastical island.

International Remix Competition A

We would like to invite you to create your own sonic story of Capri. Participation is open to everyone, and submission is free and desired. All original recordings are available for listening and free download at Remixes must not exceed six minutes. Multiple submissions are welcome. There are no other rules, but it is important to remember that we cannot publish copyrighted material for which you don't own the rights or have permission from the owner.

For 3 best remixes we promise fame, fortune and a place on the upcoming Radio Anacapri record produced by the AAIR along with respectable sound artists and musicians.

Brian Eno, Arto Lindsay and Ryuichi Sakamoto.

31 January, 2007 postmarked if posted

Send your remix to:
International Remix Competition A
c/o AA Independent Radio
Student Forum Pigeonhole
Architectural Association School of Architecture
36 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3ES, United Kingdom