Wheeler grilled by House Committee on net neutrality

Mar 17, 2015 5:47 pm

Federal Communications Commission Chair Tom Wheeler testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the FCC's relationship with the Obama administration March 17. The hearing was about the FCC’s 3-2 approval along party lines of “net neutrality,” rules designed to prohibit internet service providers from blocking or discriminating against legal content moving through their networks. Republicans focused their questions on their theory that President Obama ordered or coordinated the Democrats on the Commission to favor the rules that they previously did not all support. Committee chair Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) opened explaining those views.
[audio mp3="http://newsroom.free103point9.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/RepJasonChaffetz_chair_openingqquestioningofFCCchairTomWheeler_20150317.mp3"][/audio]

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), countered that the four million comments from the public weighed more than the single comment from President Obama.
[audio mp3="http://newsroom.free103point9.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/RepElijahCummings_Democrat_houseoversight_netneutralityhearings_20150317.mp3"][/audio]

Chaffetz then questioned Wheeler on any coordination with the White House.

[audio mp3="http://newsroom.free103point9.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/RepJasonChaffetz_chair_questioningFCCchairTomWheeler_20150317.mp3"][/audio]

Chaffetz also announced at the hearing that the FCC’s Inspector General has launched an investigation into how the agency’s net neutrality rules were crafted. Amy Schatz at re/code reports, "The FCC’s Inspector General isn’t exactly known for investigating the conduct of commissioners, so this might not amount to much. FCC investigators mostly focus on stopping fraud in the FCC’s multi-billion dollar federal subsidy program for phone and Internet services."

Video from C-Span.