About Wave Farm
This Week in Radio News: 20131014
Oct 14, 2013: 5am- 6am
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Weekly update on radio news about radio waves.
Radio news about radio waves, for Oct. 13-20. Show begins with a report on pirate radio during the U.S. government shutdown. The Federal Communications Commission currently has no enforcement division, to react to complaints about pirate radio. We listen to a few websites with information about illicit activity on the airwaves. "PiratesWeek," a weekly audio report about shortwave and FM pirate radio activity comes from upstate New York's Ragnar Daneskjold, although he posts much less often every fall. Even when he doesn't post the weekly show that airs on many FM, shortwave, and internet stations, he does post audio files of pirate stations, and his Twitter feed is full of broadcast alerts. Pirate Radio Central (blackcatsystems.com/radio/pirate.html) also hosts a lively message board with information about shortwave pirates, numbers stations, utility stations, and more. Free Radio Cafe also has a lively forum, and includes solar weather and a way to upload QSL cards.
The show also includes an interview with Rhizome's Executive Director Heather Corcoran discussing the technology-based arts organization's past, present, and future. Rhizome is based in New York City, inside the New Museum. Also, Jennifer Waits in radiosurvivor.com reports about the California Historical Radio Society archiving a treasure trove of materials related to radio history on its YouTube channel. The show also announces the winners of the Third Coast 2013 Richard H. Driehaus radio story awards. And the show features "The Muezzins of Mali," new field recordings by Myke Dodge Weiskopf of ShortWaveMusic.