About Wave Farm
Radio Lab: Youth Radio Workshop
May 15, 2008 - May 25, 2008
International High School at Prospect Heights
883 Classon Ave | Brooklyn, NY 11225
1346 The Alameda, Suite 7-109 | San Jose, CA 95126-5006
Tianna Kennedy will present a series of Radio Lab workshops at the International High School at Prospect Heights. The workshops will introduce students to tips and techniques for recording and editing audio, conducting interviews, webstreaming, and podcasting. Recorded student interviews will be part of a 9 min DVD in collaboration with freeDIMENSIONAL for Zero 1 (SJ01) festival in San Jose June 4-8.
About International High School:
The International High School @ Prospect Heights empowers recent immigrant students by teaching them fluency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English through a rigorous curriculum that is language rich, interdisciplinary, and project based. Students learn to think critically, navigate societal constructs, and prepare for college and other education after high school. Students, staff and families create a caring school environment that promotes collaboration, cross-cultural interaction, and appreciation of diversity. Above all, International High School students become successful contributing members of society and conscientious global citizens of the future. http://www.ihsph.org/
About freeDIMENSIONAL: freeDimensional engages in a particular style of networking that builds on existing resources in the art, media and entertainment sectors in order to engage and financially underwrite direct actions necessary to help culture workers-in-distress and use their stories to illustrate critical, contemporary issues. Art and creativity are often commodified without acknowledgment of the social issues they represent, and thus the relation between culture and society erodes. freeDimensional seeks to strengthen this relation by taking practical steps to ensure individual safety, raise awareness and instigate change. http://www.freedimensional.org/about/index.html
About Zero One Festival: ZER01: The Art and Technology Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring culture on the edge of artand technology. The organization convenes artists and technologists, showcases their collaborative efforts,sponsors artistic initiatives and presents the resulting work to the public. ZER01 is the producer of 01SJ, A Global Festival of Art on the Edge that consists of groundbreaking installations, interactive performances and new cinema. http://01sj.org/
About freeDIMENSIONAL: freeDimensional engages in a particular style of networking that builds on existing resources in the art, media and entertainment sectors in order to engage and financially underwrite direct actions necessary to help culture workers-in-distress and use their stories to illustrate critical, contemporary issues. Art and creativity are often commodified without acknowledgment of the social issues they represent, and thus the relation between culture and society erodes. freeDimensional seeks to strengthen this relation by taking practical steps to ensure individual safety, raise awareness and instigate change. http://www.freedimensional.org/about/index.html
About Zero One Festival: ZER01: The Art and Technology Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring culture on the edge of artand technology. The organization convenes artists and technologists, showcases their collaborative efforts,sponsors artistic initiatives and presents the resulting work to the public. ZER01 is the producer of 01SJ, A Global Festival of Art on the Edge that consists of groundbreaking installations, interactive performances and new cinema. http://01sj.org/