In Other News: J. Marvin Herndon

Sep 03, 2013: 5am- 6am
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J. Marvin Herndon is a geophysicist who came up with the radical theory about the Earth's core and its relationship to the Earth's magnetic field. The shield that protects our planet's animal and plant life from the sun's radiation. Dr. Herndon published the feature article in the wonderful Dot Connector magazine. The article is titled The Corruption of Science, and relays disturbing evidence of how the National Science Foundation and other institutional structures have created an oppressed environment for scientists effecting the free exchange of ideas. The article examines how to rid the scientific field in the United States of charlatans, science barbarians and create an environment how the truth can flourish and scientists can work freely without fear of retribution or denouncment for challenging ideas or failing to adopt the politically correct consensus-approved storyline. From Pacifica Radio, via WBAI in NYC.