On the Way Out

Nov 29, 2005: 9pm- 11pm
Freddy's Backroom

485 Dean Street at 6th Ave | Brooklyn, NY

9:00 pm Dom Minasi Trio with special guest Blaise Siwula - reeds Dom Minasi - guitar Ken Filiano - bass Jackson Krall - drums 10:00 pm - the MP3 - Mike Pride- drums, compositions Mary Halvorson- guitar Ken Filiano- bass Four reasons for you and a friend to see the concert: 1. Two sets of serious guitar wizardry! 2. Two sets with Ken Filiano!! 3. Two of New York's finest drummers on the same evening!!! 4. Blaise Siwula!!!! On The Way Out is a monthly series of free jazz and other experimental forms of music curated by Jeff Arnal.