About Wave Farm
Human-Machine: 'transmission, transhuman, mutation’
Jun 09, 2011: 12am- 6am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
This Wednesday night, listen to a six-hour program (midnight-6 a.m.) that will establish some of the themes of the upcoming Saturday series, Human-Machine, by Max. Goldfarb. Human-Machine is a program that presents music, performances and various lectures, interviews and other materials investigating the subject of the increasing convergence of humans and technology. Subjects include Robotics, Singularity, Autonomous War Machines, Nanotechnology, Prosthetics, Reanimation and Artificial Intelligence. Human-Machine is a program series made for Transmission Arts Programming on WGXC.