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Radio News: Police Need Warrant for Cell Phone Search
Jun 26, 2014: 12am- 12:05 am
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From Free Speech Radio News: "The US Supreme Court handed down a unanimous ruling today that requires police to get a warrant before they can search the contents of an arrestee’s cell phone. The case, Riley v. California, stemmed from an incident in which police examined the digital data of the petitioner after his arrest during a traffic stop.
Many digital and privacy rights advocates have been closely watching the case given its implications for Fourth Ammendment protections in the digital age. The court stated in its opinion that many Americans today “keep on their person a digital record of nearly every aspect of their lives.”
For more on the ruling and its implications, FSRN’s Shannon Young spoke with Trevor Timm, Executive Director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation and legal analyst specializing in free speech and government transparency issues."