Shortwave Hours: Ron Stier/W9ICZ

Apr 19, 2014: 5am- 7am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and everywhere

Wave Farm Radio 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.

Two hours of shortwave radio-oriented programming, starting with solar weather, news on meteor showers and ham radio, and other reports. Other reports include:
5 a.m., "The RAIN Report" from Hap Holly/KC9RP outside of Chicago, IL. This week: "A 2003 RAIN Replay about coax, Amateur Radio's lifeline, with Ron Stier, W9ICZ." Then, "ARRL Audio Report." This week: ""

5:30 a.m.: "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" DX and station news countries all over the world.

6 a.m.: "Amateur Radio Newsline" This week: "The new Digital Ham Video system on the International Space Station is fully commissioned; another shortwave intruder is found in the 40 meter band; United Kingdom hams petition their telecommunications regulator to get back to enforcing the rules; Vietnam confirms expanded ham radio spectrum; the Crimea will not count as a new DXCC entity and radio is used to wake up a comet exploration probe."

6:30 a.m.: "This Week in Radio News" from host Tom Roe at Wave Farm's WGXC with radio news about radio waves.