About Wave Farm
Taran's Free Jazz Hour: Matthew Shipp
Aug 09, 2013: 1am- 3am
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Episode 15 of 2013 of two-hour free jazz show that airs on eight European radio stations and free103point9 Online Radio and WGXC 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley, in New York, in the United States. Click on title to access the playlist.
leo records
the art of the duet: ivo perelman, ts/ matt shipp, p
the edge: ivo perelman, ts/ matt shipp, p/ mike bisio, b/ whitt dickey, dr
new amsterdam
the julius eastman memory depot: jace clayton, p/ david friend & emily manzo, p/ arooj aftab, vo
leo records
did you hear something?: luca aquino, tp, flghrn, elec/ andrea bolzoni, g, elec/ dario miranda, b, elec/ daniele Frati, dr, perc
libra | circum
spring storm: satoko fujii, p/ todd nicholson, b/ takashi itani, dr
tornado: christian pruvost, tp/ natsuki tamura, tp/ satoko fujii, p/ peter orins, dr
creative sources
colophony: jon rose, vln/ meinrad kneer, b/ richard barrett, elec
what it is?: the kahil el'zabar quartet
peter van huffel
howl: peter van huffel, as/ roland fidezius, b/ rudi fischerlehner, dr, perc
michiel braam
ebraam: michiel braam, keyb/ pieter douma, bass g/ dirk-peter kölsch
d'istante3: blaise siwula, as, ts, bcl/ giancarlo mazzu, g, dr/ luciano troja, p
samuel hallkvist
variety of loud: samuel hallkvist, g/ feat. pat mastelotto/ pete drungle/ mai ueda, vo/ stefan pasborg, dr/ brian close
l'ennui riot: gonçalo lopes, scl, bcl/ johannes krieger, tp/ eduardo lala, tbn/ ricardo a. freitas, bass g/ raimund engelhardt, tabla, perc