Radio News: NSA Surveillance on UN

Aug 27, 2013: 12am- 12:05 am
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From "Free Speech Radio News": "The German weekly Der Spiegel has released more details of US spying activities gleaned from documents made public by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. The classified information reveals that the National Security Agency, or NSA, bugged European Union embassies in New York and Washington, D.C. and hacked into their computer systems. Breaking at least three international agreements that ban spying at the United Nations, the NSA also broke into the UN’s internal video meeting network and stationed undercover agent there cloaked as diplomats. And operatives are also disguised as diplomats in 80 embassies and consulates worldwide. Contrary to recent remarks by President Obama that U.S. spying is solely intended to combat terrorism, Der Speigel reports that intelligence agents are targeting information related to economic stability, trade policy, energy security and food products."