About Wave Farm
The Right to the Airwaves: Transmission Art (Radio Lab; Panel; Event)
44-19 Purves St. | Long Island City, NY
1-4 p.m.
Radio Lab Workshop
Pre-registration required $25 materials fee
free103point9 Radio Labs provides workshop participants with technical skills and contextual background to consider and utilize the transmission spectrum for creative expression. This workshop will address four main topics: the history of broadcasting; how transmitters work; online transmission tools; and transmission arts as a creative medium. Participants will join Max Goldfarb (free103point9), Andy Gunn (free103point9 & Prometheus Radio Project), and Tom Roe (free103point9) for a transmitter building workshop. Each participant will complete the workshop with a low-power FM radio transmitter of their own.
This workshop is limited to 12 participants. Please contact
transmitter@universityoftrash.org to secure your spot.
4-5 p.m.
Dinner break
5-7 p.m.
Join transmission artists neuroTransmitter, Tom Roe; engineer Andy Gunn and others for an informal discussion about their work and issues of free speech, free space, and the right to the airwaves.
7-9 p.m.
Angel Nevarez (neuroTransmitter,) Radio Ruido, and Tom Roe broadcast DJ sets from Max Goldfarb’s M49 radio transmission truck to boomboxes setup around the university. Beer will be available.
About University of Trash
From April through July this year, New York based artist Michael Cataldi and London based artist Nils Norman will transform the Sculpture Center into The University of Trash, an exciting experiment in alternative city building and design. Working collaboratively and collectively with students, local organizations, activists, and academics, the artists will gather and investigate research material related to the activities of 1970s countercultural "Appropriate Technology" movement, adventure playgrounds, "Non-plan", emergency and low-impact design, and the vernacular of makeshift housing in 3D form. The result will be the creation of a crazy complex of interconnected architectural spaces, pavilions and walkways from readymade, recycled and found materials. On view May 10 - August 3, the exhibition will run parallel to an extensive series of related workshops, talks and film screenings. More information.