Radio News: Edward Snowden in Russia

Aug 02, 2013: 12am- 12:05 am
free103point9 Online Radio

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From "Free Speech Radio News": "Today Edward Snowden left a Moscow airport a free man. Russia granted the accused NSA leaker one year of asylum, according to WikiLeaks, which is assisting Snowden. Snowden issued a statement through the whistleblower organization thanking Russia, saying quote, "Over the past eight weeks we have seen the Obama administration show no respect for international or domestic law, but in the end the law is winning." White House Spokesperson Jay Carney said the Administration was “extremely disappointed” in Russia’s decision. “This move by the Russian government undermines a long-standing record of law enforcement cooperation – cooperation that has been on the up-swing since the Boston marathon bombings.” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was less guarded with his language. He said the Administration should be firm. “I think we should hit ‘em back and hit ‘em hard.” The US maintains that Snowden is not a whistleblower. Carney said the White House is evaluating whether the President will now attend an upcoming summit in Russia. Snowden had been in the international transit area of the Moscow airport for more than a month awaiting decisions on 20 asylum requests to different countries. His current location is unknown."