Radia: Cedric Stevens, Vidar Martens

Aug 31, 2013: 10am- 10:30 am
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Radia Show 439: Yaris AM 153, 225 and 1611 by Cedric Stevens and Vidar Martens producing show for Radio Nova, in Oslo, Norway. "Radia" is an international network of radio stations interested in creative and forgotten ways of making radio. Each week, one station makes a show for all the rest, including Wave Farm's WGXC. This week: "What you hear is a field recording taken from the inside of a Toyota Yaris, driving through the city centre of Oslo in 2010. The radio is being changed between the different AM frequencies 153, 225 and 1611 at a high volume. Since AM frequencies is poorly supported in Norway, the Yaris pick up mainly electromagnetic signals from the surroundings like the tram, hospital or its own engine, instead of ordinary radio transmission from radio broadcasts. The Toyota Yaris works like a vehicle for translating nonperseptive surroundings to sound, as well as transporting passangers. This creates an exploratory AM soundscape of central Oslo."