About Wave Farm
Giant Ear)))_Inside Out_012906
Jan 29, 2006: 7pm- 9pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
Monthly show from New York Society for Acoustic Ecology.
Open call for sound works for January's show, Inside Out NYC. Listening for NYC interiors, architecture, deep inside the belly of the beast...Give the cross streets of your recordings and your work can also become a contribution to the NY Society for Acoustic Ecology's NYC Soundmap project (more info soon).
1. New York Departure Lounge in Newark – Keith de Mendonca
2. Pentecostal Preacher, Brooklyn – Mike Hallenbeck
3. Sarah Bennett/East River Music Project Interview Part 1 - www.ermp.org
4. Bike Shop, Brooklyn – Mike Hallenbeck
5. Critical Mass Car Smash, DUMBO – Andrea Williams
6. Sarah Bennett/East River Music Project Interview Part 2
7. Everyday Radiation (excerpt) – Jonny Farrow
8. Ceiling 1 – Ben Owen
9. Art Crew, Guggenheim – Mike Hallenbeck
10. Foul & Fragrant (Macy’s perfume counter) - Joseph Moore, www.telewriting.com
11. Sarah Bennett/East River Music Project Interview Part 2
12. Tuba on Lafayette – Andrea Williams (tuba player -Jesse Dulman)
13.-19. Samples from Liz Phillips’ “Echo-Location Queens” http://www.lizphillips.net/
13. Dim Sum at Prince Street Restaurant, Flushing
14. “Annas” a Greek Restaurant, 23rd Ave and 31st St., Astoria
15. International Hindu Temple of North America, Flushing
16. Aubergine Irish Café in Sunnyside
17. Sapori D’Ischi, Opera entertainers, 37th Ave, Woodside
18. Pio Pio, Northern Blvd, Jackson Heights, Peruvian Wayno Band
19. Yangtze River, Shanghai food, Flushing
20. Astoria Park Pool – Pat Courtney (off of Psychogeographical Dip)
21. Neglect – Sean Meehan (off of Psychogeographical Dip)
22. A Saturday Afternoon at the 24th Floor of a New York Skyscraper on 59th St. b/t Madison and Park Ave. - Leandros Ntounis
23. NY Public Library – Mike Hallenbeck
24. divinity/nougat – Michelle Nagai + Mike Hallenbeck (off of 8 Sound Works, benefit CD for The New York Society For Acoustic Ecology)
Giant Ear))) with NY Society for Acoustic Ecology is a monthly, two-hour radio show webcasting recordings of the NYC soundscape, (wo)man-on-the-street public interest interviews, live on-site sound explorations, special guests, and more. 7-9 p.m., last Sundays of the month.
Open call for sound works for January's show, Inside Out NYC. Listening for NYC interiors, architecture, deep inside the belly of the beast...Give the cross streets of your recordings and your work can also become a contribution to the NY Society for Acoustic Ecology's NYC Soundmap project (more info soon).
1. New York Departure Lounge in Newark – Keith de Mendonca
2. Pentecostal Preacher, Brooklyn – Mike Hallenbeck
3. Sarah Bennett/East River Music Project Interview Part 1 - www.ermp.org
4. Bike Shop, Brooklyn – Mike Hallenbeck
5. Critical Mass Car Smash, DUMBO – Andrea Williams
6. Sarah Bennett/East River Music Project Interview Part 2
7. Everyday Radiation (excerpt) – Jonny Farrow
8. Ceiling 1 – Ben Owen
9. Art Crew, Guggenheim – Mike Hallenbeck
10. Foul & Fragrant (Macy’s perfume counter) - Joseph Moore, www.telewriting.com
11. Sarah Bennett/East River Music Project Interview Part 2
12. Tuba on Lafayette – Andrea Williams (tuba player -Jesse Dulman)
13.-19. Samples from Liz Phillips’ “Echo-Location Queens” http://www.lizphillips.net/
13. Dim Sum at Prince Street Restaurant, Flushing
14. “Annas” a Greek Restaurant, 23rd Ave and 31st St., Astoria
15. International Hindu Temple of North America, Flushing
16. Aubergine Irish Café in Sunnyside
17. Sapori D’Ischi, Opera entertainers, 37th Ave, Woodside
18. Pio Pio, Northern Blvd, Jackson Heights, Peruvian Wayno Band
19. Yangtze River, Shanghai food, Flushing
20. Astoria Park Pool – Pat Courtney (off of Psychogeographical Dip)
21. Neglect – Sean Meehan (off of Psychogeographical Dip)
22. A Saturday Afternoon at the 24th Floor of a New York Skyscraper on 59th St. b/t Madison and Park Ave. - Leandros Ntounis
23. NY Public Library – Mike Hallenbeck
24. divinity/nougat – Michelle Nagai + Mike Hallenbeck (off of 8 Sound Works, benefit CD for The New York Society For Acoustic Ecology)
Giant Ear))) with NY Society for Acoustic Ecology is a monthly, two-hour radio show webcasting recordings of the NYC soundscape, (wo)man-on-the-street public interest interviews, live on-site sound explorations, special guests, and more. 7-9 p.m., last Sundays of the month.