About Wave Farm
Giant Ear))): Soundscape Radio
Mar 26, 2006: 7pm- 9pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
Monthly online radio program from New York Society for Acoustic Ecology.
Please send in your field recordings by March 19th and tune In to listen at http://www.free103point9.org Giant Ear))), The New York Society for Acoustic Ecology's monthly, 2-hour webcast radio show also includes interviews with sound artists and the local community, and live performances and events.
Tune in Sun., March 26, 7-9 p.m. and Sun. April 2, 7-9 p.m.
Theme: "A People's Cartography"
Wendy Brawer, the Founding Director of the Green Map System, is interviewed by Sha Sha Feng, Hunter College IMA student. By using adaptable Green Map tools and icons, communities can chart their own local natural and cultural environment. This ongoing project has been cultivating citizen participation and community sustainability in hundreds of places around the world! http://www.greenmaps.org/
Also, digital media artist and fellow NYSAE member, Andrea Polli, is interviewed by multimedia artist and NYSAE member, Andrea Williams. Polli's many projects, exhibited worldwide, often bring together artists and scientists from various disciplines. She is currently collaborating with meteorological scientists to develop systems for understanding storms and climate through sound-- a creative mapping of the impact of climate change on the future of human life both locally and globally. and it's amazing to listen to! http://www.andreapolli.com/
Plus, sound works by Jeremy Slater, and Ben Owen's mix of the NYSAE's NYSoundmap (www.nysoundmap.org), and more.
Please send in your field recordings by March 19th and tune In to listen at http://www.free103point9.org Giant Ear))), The New York Society for Acoustic Ecology's monthly, 2-hour webcast radio show also includes interviews with sound artists and the local community, and live performances and events.
Tune in Sun., March 26, 7-9 p.m. and Sun. April 2, 7-9 p.m.
Theme: "A People's Cartography"
Wendy Brawer, the Founding Director of the Green Map System, is interviewed by Sha Sha Feng, Hunter College IMA student. By using adaptable Green Map tools and icons, communities can chart their own local natural and cultural environment. This ongoing project has been cultivating citizen participation and community sustainability in hundreds of places around the world! http://www.greenmaps.org/
Also, digital media artist and fellow NYSAE member, Andrea Polli, is interviewed by multimedia artist and NYSAE member, Andrea Williams. Polli's many projects, exhibited worldwide, often bring together artists and scientists from various disciplines. She is currently collaborating with meteorological scientists to develop systems for understanding storms and climate through sound-- a creative mapping of the impact of climate change on the future of human life both locally and globally. and it's amazing to listen to! http://www.andreapolli.com/
Plus, sound works by Jeremy Slater, and Ben Owen's mix of the NYSAE's NYSoundmap (www.nysoundmap.org), and more.