WGXC Journalist Meeting Hudson/Catskill

Aug 20, 2009: 10am- 7pm
Catskill Community Center

344 Main St. | Catskill, NY 12414 | (518) 719-8244

REV Coffee Shop

724 Warren St. | Hudson, NY

We would like to invite you to a meeting of local journalists Thu. Aug. 20. One meeting will be at 10 a.m. in Hudson and one at 6 p.m. in Catskill. If you write for a local newspaper, do your own blog, or other independent recording, you are invited. Photographers too!
There are two purposes for the meetings:

1) Introduce local journalists to WGXC, and talk about ideas to work together. Erin Roberts, who is working with WGXC and used to work with KBUT in Colorado will be there. She will explain a system her community radio station used that trained print journalists to become audio reporters, and then paid them an additional fee for their audio work. This might be one model we use at WGXC. But we also want to hear your ideas, and see how you think the new community radio station might work with your newspaper, blog, or media outlet.

2) See if we can form a loose alliance of all local newspapers, radio stations, writers, blogs, etc. to co-sponsor candidate forums and debates. Again, we are looking for your ideas.

For both of these topics, we will not lecture to you, or tell you how things have to be. WGXC is interested in working with the local journalism industry, just like all other industries, so that all parties benefit. For this meeting we will listen to your ideas.

Many local journalists have already contacted us and seem very interested in being involved somehow in the new community radio station. We hope this meeting can be the first step toward making that happen. WGXC will certainly be reporting news on its own, and DJs and hosts will undoubtedly be talking about your stories on the air too. And at the very least, I think it will be nice to have a bunch of local writers in a room meeting each other and talking about the state of local journalism.
Here are the details:
Morning meeting
Parlour coffeeshop (formerly The Muddy Cup)
724 Warren St., Hudson
10 a.m.

evening meeting
Catskill Community Center
344 Main St.
6 p.m.

Please RSVP if you can come, as Erin Roberts will be producing materials for you to take home. We will stream these meetings live on the internet at www.WGXC.org, so you can listen at your home or office if you cannot make it in person.