About Wave Farm
The Sonic Self
Jul 17, 2008 - Aug 30, 2008
Chelsea Art Museum
556 West 22nd Street | New York, NY 10011 | 212-255-0719
The Sonic world (an audible space); an emerging intersection between the audio and visual experiences, based on increasing internet and digital technology inventions -- gave the sound a significant stage in the surrounding environment in the multimedia environment of contemporary culture then ever before. The exploration of the sound emergent spaces, time of audio resonance, sound design, audio-visual simulation, virtual dimension, linguistic utterances, musical performance or random ‘noise’, becomes an individual expression which could exceed its form in relation to our internal self and sonic influences. As Damian Catera says: “Sound is no longer trapped within the mechanism of the ear; its multidisciplinary aspects are reflected in a blurring of sensory experiences. Sound is tactile, visual, spatial and spiritual. These elements have long been ingrained in the experience of sound since the dawn of humanity.”
Featuring works by:
Paul Amlehn/ Robert Fripp , Damian Catera, DJ Olive, Hasan Elahi and many others.
Opening Reception 7/17 7-11pm featuring
Text of Light (Lee Ranaldo, Allen Licht, DJ Olive)
Damian Catera
Hahn Rowe