About Wave Farm
Damian Catera: Unauthorized Access
Apr 07, 2006: 9am- 11am
free103point9 Project Space + Gallery (1997-2006)
97 South 6th Street | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 718-599-5955
Damian Catera will perform "Hacking Apart The American Airwaves
During A Period of Corporate Fascism and Declining
Empire" for the "Unauthorized Access" show at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia April 7-21, 2006.
Live Performance: Hacker Secrets Revealed Curated by Jolanta Gora-Wita, Abraham Lubelski. This live secure direct showcase will involve the latest available technologies for penetration - testing, or ethical hacking in order to help audience to observe and identify the creative process of security of computers, networks and websites by trying to ethically hack into them.
Damian Catera's performs from free103point9 Project Space in Brooklyn, New York to the Hermitage Museum in Russia. Catera's performance will come some time between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. EST on April 7. Video and audio of Catera's performance will be available at www.free103point9.org.
The advent of radio in the US during the early part of the 20th century ushered in a new period of mass brainwashing never before seen in history. Suddenly, literacy was a non-factor in the dissemination of information and propaganda blended potently with entertainment. An entire population was mobilized for war with an enemy (Nazi Germany), which was an ally only a few years earlier, while the mass imprisonment of innocent Japanese-Americans was systematically legitimized with the help of this powerful new medium.
In the early 21st century, American radio is still a powerful mass brainwashing tool. The rise in right- wing talk radio mobilizes a new generation to accept the corporate fascist agenda of militarized world domination while the smattering of 'left' oriented programming creates an illusion of pluralism and democracy.
In this improvised performance, three live radios will be sampled and randomly manipulated with algorithms, which I wrote in the MAX/MSP programming environment. In the resulting real-time montage, the dialectical tools of order and chaos will be used to unearth the not so hidden subtext of an empire in decline--perhaps its last gasps for control. The voice of America's fear and paranoia turned back on itself through the decentralized medium of web radio.
exhibition home page:
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page with my complete description:
Live Performance: Hacker Secrets Revealed Curated by Jolanta Gora-Wita, Abraham Lubelski. This live secure direct showcase will involve the latest available technologies for penetration - testing, or ethical hacking in order to help audience to observe and identify the creative process of security of computers, networks and websites by trying to ethically hack into them.
Damian Catera's performs from free103point9 Project Space in Brooklyn, New York to the Hermitage Museum in Russia. Catera's performance will come some time between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. EST on April 7. Video and audio of Catera's performance will be available at www.free103point9.org.
The advent of radio in the US during the early part of the 20th century ushered in a new period of mass brainwashing never before seen in history. Suddenly, literacy was a non-factor in the dissemination of information and propaganda blended potently with entertainment. An entire population was mobilized for war with an enemy (Nazi Germany), which was an ally only a few years earlier, while the mass imprisonment of innocent Japanese-Americans was systematically legitimized with the help of this powerful new medium.
In the early 21st century, American radio is still a powerful mass brainwashing tool. The rise in right- wing talk radio mobilizes a new generation to accept the corporate fascist agenda of militarized world domination while the smattering of 'left' oriented programming creates an illusion of pluralism and democracy.
In this improvised performance, three live radios will be sampled and randomly manipulated with algorithms, which I wrote in the MAX/MSP programming environment. In the resulting real-time montage, the dialectical tools of order and chaos will be used to unearth the not so hidden subtext of an empire in decline--perhaps its last gasps for control. The voice of America's fear and paranoia turned back on itself through the decentralized medium of web radio.
exhibition home page:
page with projects:
page with my complete description: