About Wave Farm
Radio Lab: What is Transmission Art?
Apr 14, 2008: 7pm- 9pm
free103point9 Project Space (2007-2008)
338 Berry St | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 646-367-0840
Join free103point9 to define the genre in which we work. Monday's Radio Lab will be a public discussion of the free103point9 Transmission Art Archive project. Together we will map a genealogy of artists, works, questions, and definitions in support of the genre. The discussion will begin with a brief introduction to the project and will be followed a Q & A and group conversation. Artists are encouraged to to self-identify their work within the context of Transmission Art practices. The resulting online resource will provide extensive reference materials to artists, curators, students, and academics researching contemporary and historical practices in Media Art and Experimental Sound with respects to the topic of transmission.