About Wave Farm
Apr 19, 2003: 12am- 11:59 pm
free103point9 Project Space + Gallery (1997-2006)
97 South 6th Street | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 718-599-5955
Tom Roe and Anotha Forma Foma release a "Breakdown" 7" (free103point9 Audio Dispatch 09). Anotha Forma Foma: Toma Okano, vox; Damian Leibold, drums; Christian Dautresme, gtr; Matt Bua, gtr; Tianna Kennedy, cello & mandolin (live performance only). Breakdown-themed installations from Radio Ruido, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Eli Joseph-Hunter, Mary Berning/Jill Repplinger and Nick Emmet include radio and video transmissions.