About Wave Farm
The RAIN Report: Greg Rosenberg
Apr 03, 2013: 5:15 am- 6am
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"PiratesWeek" is off this week. Two episodes of "The RAIN Report" instead, with visually impaired ham Greg Rosenberg, AB9MZ, discussing strategies for emergency preparedness for the disabled. Plus, ARRL Audio News for the week, including, "n this edition: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell have both announced that they will soon leave the FCC; the FCC has granted the ARRL’s request for a temporary waiver to transmit communications on amateur service channels above 30 MHz using single time-slot Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) systems; the ARRL will be promoting Amateur Radio at the National Association of Broadcasters’ annual convention; we mourn the passing of George Hart, W1NJM, the developer of the National Traffic System; Bruce Paige, KK5DO, with this week’s Satellite Update, and more."