About Wave Farm
Wave Farm Artists-in-Residence: ANANSI Revolutionary Collective with SUNJIR0
5662 Route 23 | Acra, NY 12405 | 518-622-2598
Ansible Realm Connector is an innovative live docu-fictional radio play and Arkestral tele-performance that unfolds the narrative of the (fictional) inter-dimensional ansible, I.D.A., and the genesis of the (real) ANANSI Revolutionary Collective. Envisioned as a global collaboration, musicians, sound artists, and thespians will synchronize from diverse locations using tele-midi and low-latency audio transfer technology. This interdisciplinary tele-performance aims to transcend physical distances, creating a shared experience for a global audience. SUNJIR0 (Nairobi, Kenya) will anchor the project on-site at Wave Farm.
ANANSI Revolutionary Collective is a Pan-African group of artists distributed throughout the world that collaborate with each other on art and work. We co-steward a commons, follow the ANANSI philosophy, experiment with collaborative practices, and are building a participatory governance model. We are artists, activists, anarchists, inventors, economists, guerrilla theorists, creatives, creators, and collaborators. We are distributed throughout the globe and step with ease between the many worlds we inhabit.
SUNJIR0 is a trans-disciplinary artist, designer, creative technologist, and the catalyst of the ANANSI Revolutionary Collective. As a solo audio artist, they create immersive soundscapes and docu-fictional work that exists in the realm of science-fiction, Afrofuturism, and techno-politics.