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Shortwave Hours: Padraig Lysandrou, KC9UUS
Jul 13, 2013: 5am- 7am
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
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Two hours of shortwave radio-oriented programming, starting with solar weather, news on meteor showers and ham radio, and other reports. Other reports include:
5:15 a.m.: "The RAIN Report" Hosted from Chicago by Hap Holly, KC9RP. This week: "An interview with Padraig Lysandrou/KC9UUS, 2013 Young Ham of the Year."
5:30 a.m., "The Shortwave Report" with host Dan Roberts and international news via shortwave radio. This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Spanish National Radio.
6 a.m.: "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" DX and station news about: Afghanistan non, Alaska, Antarctica, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Koreas, Myanmar, Newfoundland, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay non, Sudan and non, Taiwan, USA, Zambia, Zanzibar.
6:30 a.m.: "Amateur Radio Newsline" This week: "Ham radio continues its relief efforts in India during monsoon season; hams in Canada and Portugal may soon have added operating spectrum; the ARRL says "no" to encrypted communications on the ham radio bands; the FITSAT One ham radio satellite deorbits and the story of some strange radio signals from space."
5:15 a.m.: "The RAIN Report" Hosted from Chicago by Hap Holly, KC9RP. This week: "An interview with Padraig Lysandrou/KC9UUS, 2013 Young Ham of the Year."
5:30 a.m., "The Shortwave Report" with host Dan Roberts and international news via shortwave radio. This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Spanish National Radio.
6 a.m.: "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" DX and station news about: Afghanistan non, Alaska, Antarctica, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Koreas, Myanmar, Newfoundland, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay non, Sudan and non, Taiwan, USA, Zambia, Zanzibar.
6:30 a.m.: "Amateur Radio Newsline" This week: "Ham radio continues its relief efforts in India during monsoon season; hams in Canada and Portugal may soon have added operating spectrum; the ARRL says "no" to encrypted communications on the ham radio bands; the FITSAT One ham radio satellite deorbits and the story of some strange radio signals from space."